On Thu, 23 Mar 1995 11:51:17 PDT you said:
> A customer (who is investigating networking strategies) requested me to post
> this request.
> Is NS services supported over a frame relay network. If anyone has done this,
> which vendor were the routers purchased from?
Assuming you have mutually-agreeable routers on either end, the transmission
medium is rather irrelevant as long as you can send an IP packet in one end
and get the packet back out the other end.  How it gets framed in between is
up to the router interface.  cisco routers will do this.
Your only "catch" with vanilla NS services might be name resolution via the
HP Probe protocol, but this is a problem in any internetworking configuration
with the 3000 (need to setup (a) DNS client services on the 3000, or (b) make
entries in NSDIR, or (c) setup a Probe Proxy server; perferably (a)).
[\] Jeff Kell, [log in to unmask]