On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, Tony Furnivall wrote:
> Kosack <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> >QUESTION:  I have been somewhat out of touch with developments of MPE.
> >How much longer will HP continue to support MPE/V for those of us still
> >with classic systems?  I've moved to a new high school, and one is being
> >donated to us at the high school.  For once I get to be SM, not just some
> >AM guy... :)
> Hi - focussing on your comment about a new high school.
> Since my earlies experience with HP was in 1972 (HP2114B computer), I guess I
> have to ask - "As a student or as faculty?"
> The students back in 1972 were doing thing with 8 K(yes K) of RAM which still
> make my hair stand on end!
> Tony.
Yes, as a student.  However, in my two years working with two different
HP3000 systems, I have learned a great deal rather quickly.
Interestingly, last summer someone had a HP2000 system they could have
donated to us, with a whopping 10K programming space, and an OS based on
BASIC...  I have to say, I much rather prefer MPE on the 3000.
Daniel Kosack
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