In <[log in to unmask]> Jim Wowchuk <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> At 05:44 PM 20/3/95 -0400, Chris Bartram wrote:
> >I believe there's a note in the communicator specifically stating that telne
> >isn't supported from a VT-connected session... I did read it somewhere. I
> >don't know why, but sounds like it's a known "problem" (aka feature). For
> >what it's worth, that doesn't help US much either, as all of our sessions us
> >VT to connect to the 3000...
> 'fraid not.  I generally use Reflection (VT-MGR) to log into my 3000.  And
> sometimes, rather than starting another Reflection instance for Telnet, I
> simply run Dave Elward's great Telnet program and log into our Unix box.  No
> such pattern appears, at least not like Phil's.
Quoted from the MPE/iX 5.0 General Release Communicator (actually copied and
pasted from the LaserRom):
Limitations of TELNET/iX Client
The TELNET/iX Client is only supported on MPE/iX General Release 5.0
(C.50.00).  The TELNET/iX Client program may be issued from a regular
MPE/iX session or from within a program.  It may NOT, however, be issued
from a batch job or with the use of input/output redirection.
NOTE  The TELNET/iX Client is NOT supported when access to the MPE/iX
      session is from a PC using VT (Virtual Terminal) or from an MPE/V
      system using VT.
(End quote)
However, I hear WRQ may have a patch to get around this for Reflection users?