[This note has been sent to the following InterNet address(es):
hp3000-l @ utcvm.utc.edu
it has also been sent to the following JP Morgan address(es) :
I asked :
>This may be an old question, but can anyone recommend a decent Tape Management
System which runs on the HP3000 >under MPE/iX apart from Unison's or the one
from OCS (which doesn't work too well and is dying anyway). Multiple >System
Node management would be particularly appreciated.
> I'm not looking for aggressive sales pitches, merely want to get a flavour of
what is being used.
Thank you for the replies I received, unfortunately mostly without their E-Mail
addresses so I could not reply directly (I cannot decipher addresses for
whatever reason). The contenders seem to be OCS, Unison, Orbit and the
Contributed Library. It appears there is definitely a requirement for a good,
comprehensive tape management system/library in the HP3000 world. Maybe I
should write one ; - )
John Dunlop ([log in to unmask])