We've just upgraded our HP3000's to MPE/ix 5.0 over the weekend. And to say
the least, it was a looooong  process. After being thrown several curves along
the way, we were able to get it all together after many hours.
The most important thing is to read the UPDATE manual, and be sure
to have in your hand all the other manuals mentioned in the UPDATE manual.
('Cause if you call the Response Center, there's no guarantee thay they
have it either).
Notably, most of the configuration changes will be in the Networking side,.
(NMMGR, Resource Sharing, etc.)
Fortunately, most of the changes to the network are in the README or
WHATSNEW in the PPC, NET or ARPA groups of the SYS account.
I do not know about you, but doing the upgrade during the weekend is not
a good idea. The Response Center is not fully staffed. When I requested
an immediate call back, the engineer replied that there are lots of sites
ALL OVER THE WORLD who were also upgrading to 5.0! Plus, there are no
Resource Sharing support engineers during weekends. So, there you are!!
There is just one item that I have not fixed yet: The telnet to the
HP9000. After I have telnet, and I type the login name on the HP9000,
the name is echoed VERTICALLY on my terminal. Rather than echoing the
name root, the name is
This is exactly the same problem I had with the contributed program telnet
written by DAVE ELWOOD.
It works OK from a direct terminal connect, but not from a PC VECTRA
logging to the LAN. The Response Center says that I should call
the Reflection people.
Has anyone experienced and solved this problem with HP's telnet?
Thank you.
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