Ron Seybold ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (Steven
: Verona) wrote:
: >
: > One last point, you eluded to the fact that you think my response was
: > irresponsible.  I feel as though MY RESPONSE IS RESPONSIBLE.  I have a
: > responsibility to inform people of their options.  You, as a writer and
: > journalist, have a similar responsibility.  I suggest that you check
: > your facts before publishing them and you keep your biases out of your
: > writing.
: OOOH, a flame war.
: >You should be informing people of the pros and cons of
: > migrations and not stating your somewhat uninformed opinions as fact.
: The above facts are the cons of migrations. They are almost as informed as
: any other viewpoints being shared here. (I still defer to customers,
: systems managers and developers. I'm none of those, just somebody writing
: down what I hear.) I suppose because my viewpoints differ from yours, they
: seem less informed. I've heard the HP3000 called proprietary too many
: times by Steven, Rick Hardman and Chuck Cotter at DB-Net to believe they
: take an unbiased view of that system. Everything is proprietary, or it's
: vanilla junk. Fine-tuning something for performance and exclusive
: functionality introduces differences. Every version of Unix has
: differences -- or are those proprietary features?
Everything is proprietary?
        or it's Vanilla Junk?
I take it then we should dump our keyboards.... :)
That is a big statment......
        Ok flamewar it is.....
                Someone has called us Unix people over to this
news groupt but I think it's more effective if I cross post to
        Personaly I think we should just make all the comp.*.advocacy
groups into one news group  comp.my_computer.advocacy
becouse thies things get cross posted to all the other advocacy groups