Gilles Schipper wrote after I posted:
<<Not thinking clearly department by the writer:
<<In my previous update of the IPROF-95 schedule,
<<I neglected to include cost.  Sorry about that.
<<Thanks to Craig Vespe for reminding me.   Here
<<are the IPROF registration cost numbers:
<<Full registration by 5 March:         $ 395
<<Full registration after 5 March:     $ 495
<<Daily registration by 5 March:       $ 225
<<Daily registration after 5 March:   $ 275
<<Note deliberate bias to encourage full registration.
>Gee, are you sure about the early registration dates. The brochure
> I received last week indicates the ealybird date is March 17, 1995.
Whoops -- Gilles, I got the same brochure you said you got last
week.  I didn't catch it said 17 March instead of 5 March.  I got the
5 March date from the first (thin paper) IPROF call for registration
mailing;  in that one the reg form does say that 5 March is the
earlybird cutoff date.  I called Interex to confirm;  turns out that
between the first and second mailings Interex did indeed "slip"
the earlybird cutoff date one week.  So 17 March is the right date.
Thanks for catching this.
Ken Sletten