Actually, just about any operating system will work on the PC side.  As long
as it has SLIP or PPP.  The office side is most easily handled (in my
experience) with a router.  I notice that there are some smaller ones out
now in the $1K price range or less.  Given that you're dialing into a router
attached to your office LAN you'll be able to get to any/all (more than one
at a time!) of the machines there.  Caveat being that if you use SLIP they
must use IP but if you use PPP they could be IPX.
  The router definately makes things much simpler in any event as well as
leaving more options available.
|From: owner-hp3000-l
|To: Multiple recipients of list HP3000-L
|Subject: Re: Networking over modems
|Date: Wednesday, February 15, 1995 1:52PM
|David Greer ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
|: Does anyone have suggestions for what's the best way
|: to go about networking our at-home PCs to the office network?