Does anyone know of any commercially available general telecommunications
packages that contain an HP emulator? I know that Crosstalk (versions for
both Windows and Macintosh) includes 2392A and 700/94 emulation but have
found no other programs (besides the "dedicated" programs - Reflection, et
al) that do. Can anybody help?
One more question, has anybody come across a shareware or freeware, plain
vanilla HP emulator for the Mac? I've had my Mac people checking their
interest groups, bulletin boards, etc., without success but thought perhaps
somebody on this list might be aware of such a package.
Thanks ...
J. Howard Pringle                      | [log in to unmask]
Library Systems Manager                | The opinions expressed are mine,
Waukesha Public Library                | Mine, ALL MINE! (insert demented
Waukesha, WI   53186                   | laughter here)