On Mon, 6 Feb 1995 16:41:00 -0600, David W. Martin posted:
: All:
: Ok I figured out what had happened. I used long integers where I should have
: just used regular integers. That caused the HPCIPUTVAR command to not
: work...why? I don't know since all variables were initialized. You would
: that an integer 2 was the same as a longint 2?!?!? Now what is the trick to
: getting the following to work...
Someone else explain this one.  I'm not up to a course on parameter passing
at the moment.  Short answer: if you pass 4 bytes when the Intrinsic expects
2, several wrong things are bound to happen...
: Job code...
: !Job TEST
: !Run Rename utility to produce system var MMDD = 0127  (for example)
: !comment
: !Run DISCMGR...
: MPETODOS Source to Destination!MMDD;replace;move
: :
: :
: !EOJ
: The rename utility creates a system var MMDD why doesn't the value of MMDD
: replaced into the MPETODOS line? Is there some trick I'm missing? I thought
: that was possible - I know it is with StreamX unfortunately when I stream the
: job I do not know the value of MMDD until AFTER the job runs the rename
: utility. StreamX needs the variable to be defined prior to streaming the job.
Ok, here's the deal:
Variable substitution is a function of the command interpreter (CI.PUB.SYS).
When you pass a line of input to a program in a job, the CI does NOT see the
line, and can't do variable substitution within the line.
Here's a solution without MPEX:
!echo MPETODOS Source to Destination!MMDD;replace;move >tempfile
!echo ... >>tempfile
!echo EXIT >>tempfile
!run DISCMGR; STDIN=*tempfile
Warning: depending on the program, you may have to issue a file equate to
make "tempfile" 80-byte fixed length records.
Here's the MPEX solution:
%RUNINPUT MPETODOS Source to Destination!MMDD;replace;move
Hope this helps!
Michael D. Hensley       | "the Internet...in the right hands it is a
[log in to unmask]      | wondrous tool, and in the wrong hands it is
[log in to unmask] | an even better one." -- Cecil Adams