As chairman of Interex SIG Allbase, I have some topics that may
be of interest to many of you:
1)   Several small errors cropped up in the installation of the
     A.F0.19 and A.G0.07 ODBC APIs upload to FTP.3k.COM several
     weeks ago. Workarounds for these installation problems may
     be found in the file odbc\readme.txt found on this server.
2)   We have set up a mechanism to be notified of Patches and
     Revisions to TurboImage, Image/SQL and ALLBASE. I am posting
     this as another item to the list and will archive it on
     FTP.3K.COM in the\ALLBASE Directory. This archive file
     (PTCHHIST) will be updated as further information is
     available. Hopefully, we can keep it very current. If you
     have any comments or suggestions send them to me via e-mail
     and we'll see what we can improve.
3)   With the help of many others, I am gathering information to
     start a FAQ on ALLBASE, IMAGE/SQL and the PC/APIs. I invite
     everyone to submit questions, of general interest, by e-mail
     (Subject: ALLBASE FAQ). I will compile a master list of all
     requests starting a week from Friday (2/10) and see if we
     can't get answers that will make all of our lives easier.
4)   I personally have had good success in integrating the ODBC
     API using Windows Sockets, WRQ RNS for Windows or
     Netmanage's Chameleon TCP/IP stack and Windows for
     Workgroups 3.11 with ODI and NDIS. The results have been
     very good; solid, stable, fast connections to our HP917lx on
     MPE/iX 4.5 and 5.0, our NetWare 4.02 server, the HP running
     NetWare/iX and all 6 of the workstations running WFWG 3.11.
     Disk sharing, printing, e-mail; it all works. While I can't
     be the HP Response Center, if there is interest on the net,
     I will be more than happy to document how you set them up
     (some hand editing required), how they work together and
     other features. We can use Chameleon to create a WAN between
     two or more PC's that allows us to run ODBC and Virtual
     Terminal over a pair of 19.2K or faster, PC modems and a
     telephone line.
One of the missions of SIG Allbase is advocacy, if you don't like
something; let us know (ie WFWG?!?). Believe it or not, HP has
been VERY receptive to our initiative. We've gottten good contacts in
the Response Center, Database Expert Center and the Labs. If
you'd like to volunteer either your time or ideas, both are
welcomed and appreciated.
Gary Biggs, N5TTO
Interex SIG ALLBASE Chairman
[log in to unmask] Technologies Company, Dallas,TX 214-340-7794
"Abandon all hope... ye who Inter(net) here..." -- Dante (over the portal of Hell)