Isaac Blake ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>: Well as of yesterday (1/24/1995) the MPE/iX 5.0 PUSH (C.50.00) has achieved
: manufacturing release, so now it can be discussed (for those under NDA's).
: We participated in both the 5.0 pull and push releases.  I have to say after
: using the 5.0 push, I was quite pleased with it.  One of the most notable
b : about the 5.0 push (and even 5.0 pull) was the emphasis on quality, rather
: a timeline.  Even from when the release was available, the number of defect
: reports being reported by the sites were significantly smaller than prior
: releases.
: Rather than dribbling, I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread to
: freely discuss 5.0 issues, so...
: In closing, although there are some procedural enhancements and other items I
: hope to see in future releases, I have to give 5.0 a big "thumbs up" and
: congratulate the folks at CSY for job well done!!! :)
: Onto other projects!!!
: +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
:  Isaac Blake                       |      My opinions are just that!
:  City of Tempe, Arizona            |      Telephone:  602.350.8218
:  Information Systems Division      |      FAX:        602.350.8366
:  120 East Fifth Street             |      E-mail:     [log in to unmask]
:  Tempe, AZ  85281-3797  (USA)      |      CompuServe: 76047,152
: +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
Subject: Re: MPE/iX 5.0 PUSH (C.50.00), it's here!!!
Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.mpe
References: <H000006600127a2c@MHS>
Isaac Blake ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Well as of yesterday (1/24/1995) the MPE/iX 5.0 PUSH (C.50.00) has achieved
: manufacturing release, so now it can be discussed (for those under NDA's).
: We participated in both the 5.0 pull and push releases.  I have to say after
: using the 5.0 push, I was quite pleased with it.  One of the most notable
: about the 5.0 push (and even 5.0 pull) was the emphasis on quality, rather
: a timeline.  Even from when the release was available, the number of defect
: reports being reported by the sites were significantly smaller than prior
: releases.
: Rather than dribbling, I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread to
: freely discuss 5.0 issues, so...
: In closing, although there are some procedural enhancements and other items I
: hope to see in future releases, I have to give 5.0 a big "thumbs up" and
: congratulate the folks at CSY for job well done!!! :)
: Onto other projects!!!
: +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
:  Isaac Blake                       |      My opinions are just that!
:  City of Tempe, Arizona            |      Telephone:  602.350.8218
:  Information Systems Division      |      FAX:        602.350.8366
:  120 East Fifth Street             |      E-mail:     [log in to unmask]
:  Tempe, AZ  85281-3797  (USA)      |      CompuServe: 76047,152