This is mostly to HP, but I'll let everybody read it:
I participated in the Teleconference at the HP-Bellevue
site.  At that site there was only one keypad terminal,
and it was set up right next to the Video monitor.  So of
course HP had to mute return sound to stop instant
feedback squeal when I asked my question.  And sound
did not come back on until answer was well underway.
So when I asked "Are the ODBC API drivers supported
under Windows for Workgroups yet, and if not, when
will they be ?", I heard last part of the answer:  "We are
focusing on Windows95" (a.k.a. Windows 9x).  But I did
not get to hear if the answer to the WFW question was
yes;  not now;  maybe;  or never...... Can somebody help
me out ??  BTW, very glad to hear HP is focusing on
Windows9x.  But also hoping we don't have to wait for
most of 1995 before we can use Image/SQL ODBC
connectivity...  In fact, regardless of the official answer
on whether or not ODBC API is supported under WFW,
we are gonna try it.... But would still be nice to know if
somebody else has made it work yet......
A little bit more of a general gripe on the teleconference
at Bellevue:  Room was crowded;  HP people on site
did not know what ID to enter into the terminal;  the
question I asked was the only one that apparently made
it through to where George could see someone wanted
to ask something (there were several other attempts
besides mine);  and as per above, only one keypad in a
poor location.  Not trying to make a bid deal out of this;
I'll get over it;  BUT:
Since two-way travel time for me to get to the Bellevue
office is a bit over three hours, it would be nice for future
teleconferences if the facility could be a little more ready
for prime time.......  In fairness, suppose I should mention
that HP did give us a free Turkey sandwich.........
Also, if more attendees had keypads seems like it would
be productive from HP's point of view if they asked for a
little more "instant vote" feedback on technical directions,
not just the standard evaluation questions at the end of
each hour......  Just thinking out loud here.....
Ken Sletten