Barry Lloyd ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
On Jan 20, we broadcast a 4-hour video teleconference on
exactly this subject.  You can get a free videotape of the
conference by calling 1-800-224-hp3k and asking for the
January 20th Technology Closeup broadcast, IMAGE/SQL and
Client/Server Tools...
: We recently recieved our IMAGE/SQL update package from HP
: and are looking for feedback from others who have installed
: IMAGE/SQL. Can you provide any information on pitfalls to
: watch out for ? ? ?  Things we should do ? ? Things we shouldn't ? ?
: The installation instructions look pretty straight forward and
: if all is as easy as it appears in the documentation things should be
: peachy keen . . . . .       :)
: I just want to be sure that there are no pitfalls I should take into
: consideration before we dive into IMAGE/SQL.
: Thanks in advance . . . .
: Barry
: Barry Lloyd
: [log in to unmask]
: KEPS a Kodak company
: Billerica MA