Gary Dietz <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>>>> UserName <[log in to unmask]> 01/12/95 08:11am >>>
>>I'm looking for a piece of software that can be installed on a HP3000 to
>>allow printer outputs to be redirected to a UNIX LPD, or even
>>Novell Printer queue.
>>If anyone have pricing information or even product information please send
>>me some of them
>We use ESPUL, from RAC Consulting (206-357-9572.  It works extremely well,
>it's reasonbly priced, and the support is terrific.  Highly recommended.
I agree with you Gary!  We've just started using this, but it looks like
it is going to work well.  The support is great.  We are currently
without an administrator (YIKES!) and RAC has been very helpful.  Keep up
the good work!
>Gary Dietz
Tim Wilson