First off let me admit this could still be an internal
network problem,  BUT:
Since about last Wednesday night I have sent a
considerable number of email messages to people
within HP and at Interex;  i.e:
[log in to unmask]   and   [log in to unmask]
I got a bunch of email bounces to these locations;
of the "timeout", "failure to connect", and "tried for
three days and gave up" variety;  also quite a few
return receipts have not showed up.  BUT:
During the same period I have sent several messages
to this discussion group, and to maybe 10-12 people in
the U.S. and Canada that are NOT within the above
two domains;  on these all is well;  I get my own and all
other hp3000-L stuff pretty quick, and timely return
receipts on other messages.  Incoming email appears
to be O.K. in general.
I talked to John Sullivan at Interex;  far as he could tell
all was O.K. at their end; plus he could see our gateway
(but it took a long time for him to get a response)........
So ?:  Anybody else out there having any noticable
problems sending Internet email to Interex and/or HP ?
Just wondering..........
Ken Sletten