I attended at the Burlington MA site. Keypads were at every seat;
     but there was an overflow and keypads had to be shared by some. Others
     were seated in a room with just the video and no keypads. Otherwise I
     thought it was great. I want more.
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Subject: The Image/SQL teleconference:  addendum.
Author:  Ken Sletten - Code 331A <[log in to unmask]> at
Date:    1/24/95 2:16 PM
Glenn Cole wrote:
>The only trouble in Baltimore was that the handouts (thank you, HP!)
>had been forgotten. Hence, they had to rush to find what they had,
>and then make photocopies for all. (Mind you, I'm not complaining;
>I'm grateful to HP for these teleconferences.)
Giving credit where credit is due, HP had plenty of handouts at the
Bellevue teleconference site.  And handout was pretty well done;  it
certainly had a lot of material in it.  And I reiterate that I think these
teleconferences are a good thing.
Ken Sletten