[log in to unmask] (JimFennell) writes:
>I have written a command that, among other lings, logs its activity in a
>circular file.  It does so using the ECHO command and redirecting the
>output to the circular file.  I have no problem includding the current
>time in HH:MM format, but I have now received a request to log the seconds
>as well (HH:MM:SS).  I am getting the hours and minutes from the MPE
>variables !HPHOUR and !HPMINUTE respectively, but I cannot find a way to
>get the current time down to the second from an MPE command file.
>Does anyone have any ideas?  I'd like to avoid having to call a program
>just for this, if possible.  Reply or e-mail would be good.
MPEX contains a CLOCK variable/funtion that returns the current time to the
second, as well as funtions to add, subtract, and format the result for
display or logging.  Although this does mean you'll have to run a program
(MPEX, that is), MPEX will support all the MPE commands in your command file
to begin with, so this may be a viable option.
Tom Emerson