Dear Paul:
"Si, yo soy un Prolog eficionado."
I have Turbo Prolog 1.0 and 2.0. I get regularly letters from the
Prolog Development Center in Denmark. They _did_ develop large
I have made some small programs, their size has been limited by the fact
that if I worked in a team then the common language was Turbo  (later
HP) Pascal. I like very much the "edit", "display", "dir" predicates and
the window system of the Turbo Prolog. Their services can be programmed
in 1000 line long procedures in Pascal.
I made a small demo system of the advanced database handling of Turbo
Prolog ("db_*", "bt_*" predicated). I used a little the BGI unit.
Do you remember the late Turbo User Group in Poulsbo, Washington? I sent
them a little program, PRJL = Project Lister, which makes a full list of
a project, parsing the .PRJ file, and the "include" statements in
in Turbo Prolog and C source files, and the "uses" statements in Turbo
Pascal source files. This program used to sold by the Turbo User Group
for $7.00.
Another example: WRITPLAN. It creates "writef" statements from lines
"The value of A is ___.__, the B factor is ____._".
CHFE: CHoose File given by a mask and Execute a DOS command by the
choosen file. See: "CHFE e ! fc *.txt 2d !q !q2" means Execute "FC" with
two different files chosen interactively from the "*.txt" files.
I made a menu system in Turbo Prolog 2.0, which consults with a
database, displays a menu. The user can select by the cursor movement
keys, the enhanced letters, and/or by the mouse. The F1 key opens a
display (for privileged users edit) window with a long
context-sensitive help text. There are special procedures which invoke
not only a submenu but the use may select a directory which contain
certain files. When the selection is completed the program either
executes a "system" statement or writes a NEXTSTEP.BAT procedure which
is executed after exiting the program. [Designed for small-memory
I have a Prolog eficionado penfriend in the USA. He had sent me a
hypertext program which I developed further. We wrote some letters each
other like this.
> Hello ......
> My letter is about {family}, {language} and {programing} topics...
The was an other file a database with
(topic,filename) pairs.
What have you done in Prolog. What are you plans?
************************Family      : NAGY
*NNN......NN..FFFFFFFFF*First name  : FERENC
*NNNN.....NN..FFFFFFFFF*Title       : Ph. D., Scientific Co-Worker
*NN.NN....NN..FF.......*Company     : Institute of Isotopes of
*NN..NN...NN..FFFFFF...*              the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
*NN...NN..NN..FFFFFF...*E-mail      : [log in to unmask]
*NN....NN.NN..FF.......*P.O.B. addr.: 1525 BUDAPEST Pf. 77., HUNGARY
*NN....NN.NN..FF.......*Street addr.: 1121 BUDAPEST Konkoly-Thege M. ut 29.
*NN.....NNNN..FF.......*Fax         : (36)-1-156-5045  or try (36)-1-169-5087
*NN......NNN..FF.......*Phone       : (36)-1-275-4351 <=== NEW!
*NN......NNN..FF.......*Home address: 1214 BUDAPEST Raketa u. 29. I. 3., HUNGARY
************************Home phone  : (36)-1-277-4229
"There are three kinds of programming errors: syntactical, semantical and
"The programmers have to suck up the users just as much as absolutely