Ferenc Nagy ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Respected Mr. Richard Kranz:
: I have some AdvanceLink coomand files which enable the
: quick interactive selection from the output of the SPOOK5 program.
: By them the user e.g. can quickly purge a range of spool files,
: instead of retyping of all #Onnn identifier after the PURGE verb.
Since you cite SPOOK5, I assume you are still running MPEV on a
Classic box.  SPIFF, the NM replacement for SPOOK5 starting with
MPE/iX 5.0 Pull, supports multiple file selection for the Purge
command using either a (fully wildcarded) USER.ACCT specification
or a selection equation.  Because it is possible to accidentally
specify files you might not have intended to purge, SPIFF has
three interactive confirmation modes:
o   Display a list of all files selected for purging, and ask you
    to confirm or reject the entire list.  This is the default.
o   Display each file separately and ask for individual confirmation.
o   No confirmation, files are deleted.  This mode is also used when
    SPIFF is run non-interactively (redirected $STDIN or $STDLIST, or
    in a batch job).
-Larry "MPE/iX Spoolers 'R' Us^H^HMe" Byler-