Our part of HP3000-L seems to be down at the moment so I'm posting directly
to UTC.  Sorry for the duplicate message when service resumes.
FYI: Keep this message for documentation if you FTP servers.
  If Jeff has a kind heart and doesn't delete them, I put up some MPE 4.0
WWW NetIPC based servers and GOPHER server files on opus (the same server
does both protocols with trickery).  This server converts MPE 4.0 files into
byte streams, so just use normal MPE variable length ascii files to store
HTML stuff.
The server allows HFS 5.0 directory style "/group/file.ext"  qualifiers --
but file extensions are concatenated as part of the MPE file name and
truncated to 8 bytes.
 This server is hybrid code from Christain Frank's monitor program and a
modified version of his daemon.
 I got a JPG and GIF file to work from MPE 4.0 with the server and a
Netscape and Mosaic freeware client.
 NOTE:  Since MPE 4.0 file names don't allow extensions, this server
crunches the extension with the file name.  For example:
HTML:  <IMG ALIGN=bottom SRC=http://wwwhp.nd.edu/pub/jup.gif>
will look for MPE file:  JUPGIF.PUB   back on the host MPE 4.0 server.
The extensions are required by some Web browsers to invoke the proper viewer
methods - but extensions are not supported on pre mpe 5.0 systems.
  opus.admin.utc.edu /pub/incoming/ -or- /pub/hp3000-l/
opus files:
--w--w--w-   1 owner    group          2678 Jan 18 17:38 wwwunpac
--w--w--w-   1 owner    group         77122 Jan 18 17:39 wwwmpe40.wrq
--w--w--w-   1 owner    group         77056 Jan 18 17:39 wwwmpe40.bin
WWWUNPAC     - ASCII Script file to unpack WWWMPE40 - HP UHAUL file
WWWMPE40.WRQ - WRQ file transfer protocol, file contains attributes.
WWWMPE40.BIN - Straight binary UHAUL file.
None of the files are compressed, straight copy to HP.
(1) Upload the ASCII wwwunpac file and pick one of the wwwmpe40 files to upload.
(2) Simply run the MPE command file script: WWWUNPAC - it searches your
system for UHAUL or GLUNPACK etc. and tells you how to run it.
(3) It prints a checksum at the end so you know you did it right!
(4) The WWWMPE40 file contains examples of HTML homepage and gopher rootmenu.
Happy Webbing! and Good luck.
Eric J. Schubert                 Administrative Information Services
Senior Data Base Analyst         University of Notre Dame, IN USA