        I'm looking for information on HP Open DeskManager.  Information
for OpenMail might apply as well.  If you know where I might be able to
find any of this information, please send an e-mail as soon as possible!
I need this information compiled by Monday morning! (Nothing like last
minute requests, eh?)
        I've spent most of the last 3 days calling various HP phone
numbers and contacts... none of them have been any help.  I'm hoping
someone out here on the internet can help me out, I'm really in a bind.
1. If you know of an internet site, FTP, WWW, Gopher, etc. that has
   current product information that would be great.
2. If you have any personal expreience or information you can share
that's even better!
My questions are mostly related to the "Client of Choice" interfaces:
cc:Mail and MS-Mail.
1.  How does security for these clients work when they go against
OpenDesk?  Is all data security handled at the HP, or is some of it
still in the windows clients? (i.e.: in cc:Mail the client decrypts the
2.  I've heard that the private distribution lists and "bulliten board"
features in cc:Mail and MS-Mail clients are not supported... but there
is "equivalent functionality" in OpenDesk.  what does that mean?  is it
in the windows client? or do you need to run a terminal emulator session
into the HP Desk interface?
3.  Are there any major advantages to using the cc:Mail client v.s. the
MS-Mail client?
4.  MS-Mail does not support blind carbon copies (bcc:) of email's. Desk
and cc:Mail do!  a) did hp add any support to the ms-mail client so that
it _does_ support bcc:? b) if not, what happens if someone sends a bcc:
message and your the recipient - do you se the Bcc: as a cc:
5.  (sorry if this is very ignorant..) Open Desk runs in "native mode"
on the HP 3000 under MPE.  What is "native mode" and what does that mean
for me?  What mode is the older HP DeskManager product running under?
6.  Can you still archive messages locally w/ the cc:Mail client and
ms-mail client [like if you were using a "real" cc: or ms-mail network]
with Open Desk?  If so, are the local messages encrypted or secure in
any manner?
Thanks.... I really appreciate _any_ information you can provide to me.
Pete Simpson
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Peter J. Simpson |          [log in to unmask]
Have a hobie day!|