I have written a command that, among other lings, logs its activity in a
circular file.  It does so using the ECHO command and redirecting the
output to the circular file.  I have no problem includding the current
time in HH:MM format, but I have now received a request to log the seconds
as well (HH:MM:SS).  I am getting the hours and minutes from the MPE
variables !HPHOUR and !HPMINUTE respectively, but I cannot find a way to
get the current time down to the second from an MPE command file.
Does anyone have any ideas?  I'd like to avoid having to call a program
just for this, if possible.  Reply or e-mail would be good.
Thanks in advance . . .    :-)
Jim Fennell
InterPay, inc.
email:  [log in to unmask]