Jeff Barnhart ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Is there any way to increase the type ahead buffer space?
...not sure on this (as I work on NS/VT, not on terminal i/o) - however,
a looonnnggg, looonngg time ago I remember attending some DTC training
class and I -think- the scoop was that there is a 32 bytes typeahead
buffer per DTC port.  If this is right, it is a hardware feature of a DTC
and sounds quite impossible to change it.  Then again, I'm not a DTC guru,
maybe someone from termio can answer this one.  If we are talking about
typeahead buffer for a PC connecting over LAN (VT) - the story is different
and I need to do some research in order to find out.  As I don't know the
type of connection you are talking about, I cannot give you a definitive
 Eero Laurila - HP CSY, NS services lab.