Chris Bartram <[log in to unmask]> wrote concerning an intermittent
ACTIVATE/SUSPEND problem on 5.0 PULL. There was a similar problem
documented in SR#4701233734 which was supposed to be fixed in the
PULL release. However, it was determined that there was at least
one other scenario where the problem could still occur and so
SR# 4701256156 was submitted. The fix was coded in patch MPEGXL4,
which is GR (General Release) for 5.0 PULL.
Make sure you have that patch installed (it has not been superseded
so you just need to check for it in your HPSWINFO file). If you are
having this problem with that pach already installed, please contact
the RC and have the problem investigated.
                            --Pete Crosby
* "Arguing with an Engineer is like mud-wrestling a pig. Pretty soon   *
*  you realize the pig likes it"  -author unknown                      *
*                                                                      *
*  Note: my comments are my own and do not reflect the views of my     *
*        employer or necessarily anyone else.     [log in to unmask]       *