In article <[log in to unmask]>, Jeff Kell
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>* Another application is getting Image error trying to do a mode 7 dbget,
>  the error translates to "FS Error 93 - Security violation".  The user is
>  logged into the right account, and the database group is R,A,W,L,X:AC,
>  and the file is not secured.  Real weird.  No, no ACDs present either.
The closest I can come to a return code of "93" is -193 which indictates
that the database user local control block is full.  Is your application
reporting the Status word correctly?  Can you duplicate it in QUERY by
doing a >> f set.item = value?
>* We seem to be having trouble with DTC ports at 19200 baud.  This might
>  be a datacomm problem elsewhere, but it's not affecting other systems
>  (using same terminals to get there).  Tried rebooting DTCs with no luck.
Can you be more specific about what you are experiencing?