Eric Schubert ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: At 11:47 AM 1/4/95 PST, [log in to unmask] wrote:
: >
: >VT has two advantages over Telnet.
:   <snip>
: Frank,
:   You argue about Telnet -vs- VT within the context of technical merits --
: which is ok, but how about throwing weight on the side of telnet for what it
: is -- an open spec;  if you want to talk to anyone else within the world,
: you do telnet.
: I see telnet more as "what you can do with it" rather than "is it better?"
:   As for VT technology better than Telnet standards:  Hey, I bought a beta
: video machine because the technology WAS better!  I reasoned that better
: technology would dominate!  Ha! was I wrong.  Only clout (being first)  and
: marketing presence prevail when two products do not have large advantages
: between each other.  The same is true between VT and Telnet.  Sad, but true.
Frank & Eric,
  I'm have no hard feelings about one or the other and I definately agree
with both of you that it has been a shame for looooonnnggg time to not
have telnet on MPE.  When I joined the company >10 years ago (and had no
prior experience of telnet) - it took me only a couple of months to
figure out that - gee - would be neat to have telnet on 3000.  And as you
both point out - VT is out of the picture as soon as you want to connect
from any client to any server.
There are few thing that cought my eye in Frank's msg - and please forgive
my lack of knowledge in regards to telnet (partially because I don't work
on it) - I have been lead (probably mislead) to believe that implementing
block-mode over telnet is difficult if not impossible to do.  Based on
Franks' msg, that apparently is not true.  How that is implemented
and how does it actually work, I don't know.
I think VT probably will continue to be a viable alternative for 3000 to
3000 and some PC-to-3000 communications, at least initially - providing
it has been around for longer time in MPE and probably has better support
of hp3000 specific file system calls and terminal handling than telnet.
Again, these thoughts represent my thinking of differences between VT and
telnet and may or may not be correct.  The best thing about all this is the
communication and exchange of ideas with the whole world out there!!
Eero - HP CSY lab
*  Note: my comments are my own and do not reflect the views of my     *
*        employer or necessarily anyone else.    [log in to unmask]       *