At 11:47 AM 1/4/95 PST, [log in to unmask] wrote:
>VT has two advantages over Telnet.
  You argue about Telnet -vs- VT within the context of technical merits --
which is ok, but how about throwing weight on the side of telnet for what it
is -- an open spec;  if you want to talk to anyone else within the world,
you do telnet.
I see telnet more as "what you can do with it" rather than "is it better?"
  As for VT technology better than Telnet standards:  Hey, I bought a beta
video machine because the technology WAS better!  I reasoned that better
technology would dominate!  Ha! was I wrong.  Only clout (being first)  and
marketing presence prevail when two products do not have large advantages
between each other.  The same is true between VT and Telnet.  Sad, but true.
Eric J. Schubert                 Administrative Information Services
Senior Data Base Analyst         University of Notre Dame, IN USA