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Jeff Vance <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I have made a change to the Express II release of 5.0 (this is the
>1st express release after the final 5.0 push and is planned to be
>available in April):  command files will have to be ASCII to be
>executed.  Today a binary command file can be executed.  The other
>conditions still apply: eof >0 and file code in [0..1023].
>Will the ASCII requirement break any applications, jobs, scripts, etc.??
<stuff deleted>
Larry Boyd wrote :
>It seems that any attempt to solve this "problem" will cause at least some-
>one problems.  This solution maybe what is the best for all, however, I
>believe there will be several who will find command files failing because
>they are binary.
>I have an additionally suggestion.  What if HP selected a filecode that
>would define command files?  If the file is ASCII it would still work, and
>if the file is binary, the code could be checked.
>The primary reason for the suggestion is that I've always thought that
>command files and UDCs should have filecodes.  It makes it very easy to
>look at files with listf or MPEX and "see" if they are UDCs or command
<stuff deleted>
Call me old fashioned, but I cannot see why anyone would want to use a binary
command file.
 Can anyone take half a minute to enlighten me ? I also agree with Larry Boyd
that a dedicated
 filecode for these types of files would be very desirable.
John Dunlop ([log in to unmask])