
Did anyone look at their HP3000? :)

   :listf storecat.pub.sys, 2

shows it's in use

   :listf storecat.pub.sys, 9

shows who's using it.  (try it before scrolling)
















Yep, it's opened at bootup time by PROGEN (PIN 1).

(Extra credit if you know why (from a philosophical viewpoint, and also from the procedural viewpoint) :)

That means it's not easy to remove / rename.

I'm guessing she rebooted since building the fake STORECAT ... because creating the fake
STORECAT would not immediately cause an open of it by PROGEN (the open is done at bootup).

If she hasn't done a bootup, then the fake STORECAT should be purgeable,
and the approach several people gave (restoring into a different group) should work fine.

There are two approaches to replacing the fake STORECAT (once it's opened by PROGEN) with the real one:

   1. do something to cause STORECAT.PUB.SYS to not be opened at bootup;
      then, reboot, and do the purge/rename as desired.

      Although possible, not trivial.

   2. close STORECAT.PUB.SYS now, then do the purge/rename as desired.

Allegro has ... of course :) ... a utility that can usually succeed in closing
specified files.  It's on our website, it's free, and it's called XCLOSE.

Your support people should be able to show you how to install it on your system and how to run it.  
<plug> If they can't, may I suggest emailing [log in to unmask] </plug>

Once closed, assuming the good STORECAT is in, say, the group FOO:

   :purge storecat.pub.sys
   :rename storecat.foo, storecat.pub.sys

Although it is important to restrict STORECAT to ldev 1, it's probably already marked that way, thus the RESTORE of STORECAT.PUB.SYS into the local group (e.g., FOO), will have retained that restriction.

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