Yea, Janet!
------Original Message------
From: janet hiller
Sender: OpenMPE Support Group
To: [log in to unmask]
ReplyTo: janet hiller
Subject: Re: Global Economics ( was Hp 3000 MPE-IX Trainner)
Sent: Mar 31, 2010 11:51

I will assume that all of you that disagreed with me are gainfully employed
and have never had the demeaning experience of being outsourced.  You cannot
fully understand the impact if it has not happened to you.  


In order to receive some sort of a severance package you must first take
your many years of experience and hand it over on a silver platter.  And,
the only reason that we were outsourced was to make the VP look good to his
superiors so that he would get a better bonus next time. Outsourcing had
very little to do with economics, except his own.  The company was doing,
and is still doing quite well.


To all you idealists..walk a mile in my shoes.


Janet Hiller


PS  Why can't India have it's own economy????   Oh, I forgot, they do, it is

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