>From Slashdot last night.  Presume the hidden cost of letting HP3000
workers go way back may also apply here.

(I think the original poster should have put 'not' before

| Retired Mainframe Pros Lured Back Into Workforce                   |
|   from the come-back-so-we-can-fire-you-again dept.                |
|   posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday July 10, @18:22 (Businesses)   |
|   http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/07/10/200204            |

[0]itwbennett writes "Businesses that cut experienced mainframe
administrators in an effort to cut costs inadvertently created a skills
shortage that is coming back to bite them. Chris O'Malley, CA's
mainframe business executive VP, says that mainframe workers were let go
because 'it had no immediate effect and the organizations didn't expect
to keep mainframes around.' But businesses have kept mainframes around
and now they are [1]struggling to find engineers. Prycroft Six managing
director Greg Price, a mainframe veteran of some 45 years, put it this
way:  'Mainframes are expensive, ergo businesses want to go to cheaper
platforms, but [those platforms] have a lot of packaged overheads. If
you do a total cost of ownership, the mainframe comes out cheaper, but
since the costs of a mainframe are immediately obvious, it is hard to
get it past the bean-counters of an organization.'"

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