Wow, Wow,  Lets just say this, I am not a fan of your view of the world...
There are some of you that have a very narrow mind and scare the living
daylights out of me...
I am wondering what kind of people some of you are.  Lets just say the
current president and his followers have lied to us for so many years that
you would follow them to the end of the earth.
Iraq should have never happened, Our soldiers are dying at the expense of
the people in office today. It is no wonder we have swung to the middle
left. Give Barrack a chance and embrace him like you did the war mongers
that we had in office the last 8 years.

God Bless America, land that I love, stand beside her and guide her....

On 11/6/08, Ritenour, Steve <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> John, The chance was given to the Democrats and they sat on there ass
> for 2 years doing nothing.  Had they hit the ground running, as they
> said they would the economic crap we are going through, World Wide,
> could have been lessen substantially.  They took the stance that they
> hate Bush and will do nothing until he is out of office.  So 2 years
> after they took control of Congress this is what we get.  Look at the
> map on USAToday of the county breakdown of the votes.  All Nobama
> carried was the poor inner cities and the 95% of black voter.  Which to
> me is appalling.  They didn't look at issues or platform they voted for
> the black man.  Now we have a Socialist moving to the White House who
> has a golden tong but has never run much more than his household.  He
> made no decision as a state representative voting present 130+ time.
> And has not authored a bit of legislation in his time in the senate.  As
> a matter of fact he was absent from his position in the senate more than
> he was there.  This man bought the office of the president with close to
> 3/4 of a billion dollars, now he has to repay all those favors.  We are
> screwed, you and the rest of Europe can celebrate, but remember as we go
> we will drag the rest of you with us.
> God help us all.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: HP-3000 Systems Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
> Behalf Of John Dunlop
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 5:00 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [HP3000-L] OT: So who won the election?
> Jeez, after reading some of the derogatory posts about your new
> democratically elected President, I have to ask "Do you people really
> call
> yourself patriotic Americans?" I thought Americans were proud of their
> country and supported their President and his Administration? Even
> McCain
> showed great dignity when he acknowledged defeat and called for all
> Republicans to support the new President. What I am reading is a lot of
> vicious slights on someone who has yet to be proved or disproved as a
> good
> or bad President. Heck, he hasn't even taken office yet.
> As for some of the comments about American voters, I now have a renewed
> belief in the sense of the general public which I lost when they managed
> to
> reelect Bush last time. I think you radical conservatives should hush up
> and give the new guy a chance as he can't do worse than the Bush dynasty
> over the last years.
> Cheers,
> John Dunlop
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