I seriously doubt your nephew used the word "clip."  These are called

BTW, you cannot legally get an AK-47 is this country; it is a true assault
rifle, which means it can be fired in full automatic mode.

Thanks your nephew for me and I wish him well.


-----Original Message-----
From: HP-3000 Systems Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
Of Kent Wallace
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 11:42 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] OT: The governement would never kidnap a child???

My nephew is headed back to Iraq, his second tour. He tells me they
would have some Iraqi soldier with them that would knock on a door to a
house.  The houses are surrounded by cinder block walls in the Middle

When whoever was inside would shoot at the soldiers knocking on the
door, they would call in an air strike on the house.  This is a decision
the person inside the house did for whoever was in the house.  If his
parents, children and wife were in the house, he made that decision.  

He told me we can fight them over in Iraq or we can fight them here if
choose not to do it in Iraq.  A lot of the people he arrested were not
from Iraq.

I might add he never arrested a Kurd.

He also told me the Iraqis' are allowed one ak-47 and one clip of
bullets for self defense in there houses.  I guess more than that looks
suspicious. Maybe I should get me one.

Kent Wallace

-----Original Message-----
From: HP-3000 Systems Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Jerry Fochtman
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 9:22 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] OT: The governement would never kidnap a

Sorry, but I disagree.  The death of all the children in Waco was also a

choice of the parents who died
as well, including the followers who were shooting at the fireman which 
hindered their ability to help with
the fire.  So I don't feel that the FBI is solely to blame.... choices 
were made on both sides that in
hindsight, may have been the wrong decisions, resulting in a tragedy.

Matthew Perdue wrote:
> Quoting Wirt Atmar:
>  I never believed in government-sponsored Eli=E1n abductions either,
> the case in Florida about 10 yrs ago:
>    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/36/Inselian.jpg
> Wirt Atmar
> -----
> To me there are two prime examples of a government out of control -
the one
> you cite above and the "police action" in Waco that resulted in the
> of approximately 80 children.
> So can the administration of William Jefferson Clinton say they did it
> the children" ???? Somehow I think not.
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