J. Lee quoted:

> > In addition to rising energy costs, we have mega companies 
> > driving down median income levels.   Never put much stock 
> > into Walmart bashing until I saw
> > WAL-MART: THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICE, on Discovery channel.
> > http://www.walmartmovie.com/about.php    Pretty amazing 
> > stats on how low costs are impacting our economy from 
> > State Aid, average household income levels for thier 
> > workers, and profit margins for manufacturers.
> >
> > Has not convinced me to stop shopping at Walmart, but I 
> > have changed my buying habits towards other suppliers 
> > in many items.

The South Park episode was good too.

There's only one way to destroy a Wal-Mart!  You have to 
destroy the heart of Wal-Mart (it's behind the last Plasma 
Screen TV, in the Television section.)

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