Speaking of SLT's I plan on moving an old 937 from one location to
another in a week or so. I've told the owner of the machine that
preparing the machine for the move made take 3 to 15 hours depending on
the amount data is on the machine. WHY? Before moving it we should have
two SLT's, and two full backup's, and the SLT's should check using
checkslt, and the backups need to verified using VSTORE. I've also
educated the owner about the nauseous feeling associated with a
hard-drive failure when you don't have these tapes. 

Theirs more; like config listings, network listings, HardCopies.

Didn't someone on the list have a command file that covers eveything,
was it Donna?

Michael Anderson
Programmer/Analyst -- Technology Dept.
Spring Independent School District
16717 Ella Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77090-4299
office: 281.586.1105
Mobile: 832.515.3868
fax: 281.586.1187

>>> Michael Anderson <[log in to unmask]> 3/23/2007 12:34:46 pm
run checkslt.mpexl.telesup

You'll need to reply to the console, and I recommend running this in a
batch job, print the standard list and store it with the tape.

Option 3 gives you allot of info, including create date.

*  Tape   lif volume label (first)    *
*            lif id: 128 0
*    volume name is: HPESYS
* lif dir start add:          128
*    lif dir length:            8
*     lif def fld_6:         4096
*     lif def fld_7:            0
*    lif def fld_10:            0
*    lif def fld_11:            0
*  lif extensions_1:            0
*  lif extensions_2:            0
*  lif extensions_3:            0
*  lif extensions_4:            0
*  lif extensions_5:            0
*  lif extensions_6:            0
*  lif volume stamp: 000000000000
*    IPL start addr:        49152
*        IPL length:        32768
*   IPL Entry Point:        12544
*lif extensions_126:            0
*   lif def fld_127:            0
SYSGEN Version E.02.01

*  Tape  MPE/iX volume label (first)  *
*     Label type is:           1          SLT Tape
*    Volume Name is: HPE_SYS_VOL_SET                 
* Creation Date was: 101/204              MON, JUL 23, 2001,  5:06 PM
* Creation Time was:  17:  6:  1:  5
*Millisec   counter:     61561618
*     Member number:            0
*     Number in Set:            0
*         UFID root:            0

Michael Anderson
Programmer/Analyst -- Technology Dept.
Spring Independent School District
16717 Ella Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77090-4299
office: 281.586.1105
Mobile: 832.515.3868
fax: 281.586.1187

>>> Reggie Monroe <[log in to unmask]> 3/23/2007 12:06:17 pm
Is there a way to verify when an SLT tape was created.
Reginald Monroe
Systems Engineering
Mercury Insurance - Information Technology
(714) 671-6753
[log in to unmask] 

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