I also want to apologies to Craig and Pete for sending out a confidential e-mail message to the OpemMpe community. That should not have happened. I respect both of them for the comments and commitment to MPE and the MPE community.


Mr., Perdue... Let me set the facts straight for you... First of all with Mr. Lancaster. 
You had to vote on his resignation correct? So when he resigned from the board that was what the board did. LET HIM GO. What were your choices "keep him" or "except his resignation".
Let's review Bill Lancaster his contribution to OpenMPE... hmmm that would be a zero correct? He gets elected, then goes on a leave of absence and then resigns. As far as I can tell Bill has not made a contribution to MPE for some time now, like two or so years. The fact he got elected was the reason I wanted to know how many votes everyone who was running got. He beat out Steve Suracci by one vote and even he did not really run, he was just on the roster. I got an ear full from you back then just for wanting to know the vote totals. 
Your comments about Birket. I respect Birket and in no way did I ever say anything insulting about him. My words were brief. He has a company that supports both sides of the fence Migration services and Homesteading. Is this not correct?  Birket has done more for the MPE community in one day than your contributions on the board of OpenMpe. I was explaining to Pete that Birket was the person he should contact in the event he wanted to be a board member. The e-mail really said nothing related to the conversation I had with him earlier, I was just bringing it to Pete's attention.
I would love to say I support OpenMPE but let me tell you what I really think. 
We get little information on a regular basis at best; the web page for what it's worth has so many holes in it you wonder besides me who looks at it. Links do not work or they point to really old stuff that does not exist anymore. John Bacus still exists on these pages but he has not been part of the Board for a very long time. 
I certainly understand that people do a lot of this work for 0.00 dollars and do this on a volunteer basis in spare time. 

That message was intended for Pete to understand what the board is all about. As for you, why is it you have such a negative view of me? 
The last thing I want to comment on: Pete seems like he would be a fit for the board. His e-mail messages seem to fit in the theme of ideas that have been circled around for the past several years and WHY NOT.

Now let's talk about MR Perdue. There was a time a few months ago when I was selling some hardware namely 2 HP3000/928 systems. I had one for you for very short money. I had an issue with one not working "the one you were looking to buy. I let you know I had an issue with the MFIO card and gee I never heard back from you. You never acknowledged my e-mail. I know that this is not really the forum but since you did not respond to me I thought it appropriate to air it here. 

BTW- I sold it after getting it repaired for $1000.00 not the mere $150.00 plus shipping that you kindly offered.

Hey I contributed $100.00 last year if you remember. Now if the 320+  registered listeners contributed the same each year you would have funds now wouldn't you? Did you contribute?

Warm Regards,

-------------- Original message from Matthew Perdue <[log in to unmask]>: -------------- 

> Quoting J Dolliver : 
> > we think alike <<< here is what I sent Pete in private>> 
> > 
> > There was a board member of OpenMpe let go a few weeks ago. His name was Bill 
> > Lancaster "don't ask me about him" Anyway I think there is reason enough to 
> > get you a seat on the OpenMpe Board "if this is what you want" Not sure if 
> > you want your hands tied with NDA's. Anyway, Birket Foster has his hands on 
> > both sides of the fence with tools from his CO to support both migration and 
> > homesteading. 
> Joe: 
> First, let's get the record correct: Bill Lancaster RESIGNED from the Board, he 
> was not "let go." This was a decision he made completely on his own with no 
> discussion from the Board, just a notice of his intent to resign. His 
> resignation was voted on and accepted by the Board. Bill joined the Board after 
> his election and almost immediately notified the Board that he needed to take a 
> leave of absence. As this leave was expiring he notified the Board of his 
> intent to resign. What OpenMPE needs is someone that will dedicate a significant 
> portion of their time and effort to community service, not someone who swoops 
> in, posts a few messages and leaves. I have no idea why Bill needed to take a 
> leave of absence, but it is unfortunate that he decided he had to resign, 
> whatever his reasons. 
> After working for more than 30 years with this platform, and not being one that 
> has worked on the MPE internals (not at HP I will freely admit) I do have to say 
> that Pete's post about creating a 'new' MPE on top of a Linux platform is an 
> interesting idea, but it is not the first time it has been discussed. However, 
> Pete's post seems to gloss over what would or will be significant efforts. 
> Replicating an application system that took six years to develop has been an 
> engaging task, taken more than a year and is still not complete - but that's 
> just an application system, not an operating system, and not one that has been 
> refined over more than 30 years. Pete's post seemed to me to be the (at least) 
> mile high view, certainly not the one from a few hundred feet or even face to 
> face. 
> Personally I don't know Pete from any Sam on the street. From what he has posted 
> I feel he has a rather naive view of the task. Before I'd jump on Pete's 
> bandwagon I and I'm sure *we* need to know a great deal more. 
> As to your cheap shot at Birket, thank you for revealing to the world the level 
> on which you sit, or stand as the case may be. I would suggest your comment 
> should have remained private. 
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