News from our own Washington post story about disclosure and what is normal for reporting an incident. 

It is a Democratic newspaper with a slant, right Denys? So we are to assume that this news is made up as well. 

Your Friend


-------------- Original message from Denys Beauchemin <[log in to unmask]>: -------------- 

> Joe wrote: 
> "What was the real story behind the shooting "wisky bottle shooting" 
> after a good day of drinking? 
> Does the VP take part in the bottle? 
> Why else would you leave a gap in reporting a shooting or not let the 
> police investigate until12 to 18 hrs later. Sort of like when Kennedy 
> drove his car off a bridge and went home so he could sober up." 
> To which I write: 
> People seem to be forgetting the fact the VP is surrounded by a bunch 
> of people wherever he goes. His own medical team is the one that took 
> care of the victim at the scene and then transported him to the 
> hospital. 
> Joe, you're a smart man; do you honestly think the Secret Service 
> detail accompanying the VP would have let him or anyone else around 
> him drink alcohol and then fire guns? Get real. 
> And what's with the gap in reporting a shooting and the Kennedy 
> incident? Kennedy crashed his car, and then left the scene of the 
> accident with a woman drowning in the back seat. He went home and 
> sobbered up as she died. 
> In this case, it was a silly accident but the first concern was for 
> the victim and there were a lot of people around, including law 
> enforcement, ie the Secret Service. 
> I do not remember that it was necessary to immediately inform the 
> newspapers of an accident. That's a new one on me. 
> It is clear that Cheney is at fault here, but stuff happens. 
> What is sad is that because of this stupid accident, the president and 
> the VP will probably not be able to go hunting anymore. Whether you 
> approve of humting or not is not the issue, it's just another thing in 
> which the occupant of the White House and the VP will be forbidden to 
> partake in the future. 
> It reminds me of the incident in the late 1970s when the newly-elected 
> prime minister of Quebec was driving himself with his lady friend at 
> 3:00AM and he hit a man on the street. When the police showed up, 
> they gave a blood test to... the dead guy on the ground. But from 
> that point forward, the PM was not allowed to drive by himself or even 
> be alone. 
> So go ahead and look for a sinister side to this hunting accident, as 
> for me, I just feel sadness for the victim and for the VP who must be 
> beside himself with grief. 
> Denys. 
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