On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 14:56:02 EST, Wirt Atmar <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Finally, Sebastian writes in response to my statement that well-educated,
>urbanized, wealthy populations leave a smaller footprint on the 
environment than do impoverished populations of the same size:
>> I'd be interested in knowing what evidence there is to say that poor
>> people make a larger, negative, impact on the environment, compared to
>> rich people.

just look at the yard of both. 
One has cars, fridge and other stuff rotten in the front yard incl. old 
furniture while the other ones is neat and nice.
Or better take a look to China. 
We "rich" folks export our garbage and trash to the poor countries.
If we do not want to pay for the cleanup we produce somewhere without 
cleanup or without being charged for it.


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