On Sat, 25 Feb 2006 15:48:55 -0000, Carol <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi Bob,
>I'm sorry to hear Sue's news.
>I'm not sure whether it is better or worse when your partner dives and you

That point is moot and that's why I can't really relate to it.

>you may feel that you have to curtail your own diving activities but you
>have seemed to be doing that anyway recently.

It's not a question of curtailment.  While our recent cruising
seemed to have curtailed our diving, but it was curtailed only
in quantity.   A single dive in Moorea or Nuku Hiva is easily
worth a dozen dives in Cozumel.  Losing one's ability to dive
is infinitely far away from curtailing one's dives.

>Give Sue my deepest condolances and tell her that sometimes snorkelling is

Thanks for your kind thoughts.  But snorkeling is to diving 
is not even as enjoyable as watching a movie on snorkelers.
I seriously doubt that will be her, or our, substitute.

C'est la vie.

-- Bob.