Rather, what it shrieks to those who choose to hear is that the 
reason the UN remains ineffective is that it possesses no 
independent means of enforcing the laws which the states of the 
world have formulated and agreed to abide by, but whose rulers 
refrain from upholding when inconvenient for themselves.  This is 
an ancient conflict of interest which is, if not intractable, is at 
the very best only amenable to slow and incremental resolution.


What makes you think that if the UN had the enforcement power you
suggest, that anthing would be better?  What would prevent any country
with enough influence from seeing the laws selectively enforced?

I certianly do not want to see an organization as corrupt as the UN
has been shown to be having any enforcement authority at all.  I do not 
want representatives from dictatorships or communist countries having
any say over what happens in this country, or by inferance, having any
say about what happens in any country where there is consent of the 

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