On Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:52:26 EST, HP Fan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Politicians are INHERANTLY corrupt. Republican, Democrat, or none of the
>above.    Those that don't enter the system corrupted succumb to  the 
political on the job training program.
>The only good thing--they're bunched in Washington.  We know where  to find
>them when they get out of hand.

I can only agree 100% with part 1. 
I am also very glad that somebody else sees this without the "party-
glasses" (republican or democrat). The worst, IMO, are those who bring 
religion into their statements as well.

However the sad thing is, that they are everywhere. 
The local politicians are hardly any better. 
As soon as the are in bigger cities or even states, the corruption seems to 

Time for another Boston tea-party?


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