I'm new to your group, but this touched me in a very raw spot.  What we 
sorely lack is the fostering of a sense of responsibility, in everyone, 
for our actions.  The "ideal" method of dealing with problems, mistakes, 
etc., in this day, is to point the finger at someone else, deny any 
wrongdoing and hope to get away with it.  This attitude is being fostered 
in families, schools, you name it.  And until we accept the responsibility 
and/or consequences for what we do, are willing to "own up" to our 
mistakes and make honest efforts to correct whatever the wrongdoing is, we 
will be hopelessly mired in in a decaying society.  We are theoretically 
the world's only "super power".  That said, we only have to look back at 
other societies so enamored with themselves and the same attitude, to see 
massive failure is the end result:  Rome, Egypt, Germany prior to WWII, 
East Germany, Russia, etc.  


Although I agree with you, things have gone too far to backtrack.

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