On Sat, 7 Jan 2006 17:24:38 +1100, Christian Gerzner 
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I in no way wish to sound condescending but do make sure that your SCUBA
>equipment doesn't shout, long and hard: "expensive SCUBA stuff inside".

I now the discussion here was primarily on camera equipment of which
I claim ignorance.

But your statement is a long-standing myth on all other SCUBA 
equipment.  I have never lost anything in all my years of travel
with scuba equipment in bags that cannot be mistaken for non-scuba
as far as the eye can see, except for the once in Honolulu when 
there was no scuba bag and it was in a regular luggage inside the
car trunk.  :)

I estimate that I have travelled more air miles to scuba locations
with such SHOUTING scuba bags than anyone else.  As long as you
do not leave your bags unattended, a loudly marked bag actually
WARNS all potential thieves to keep their hands off becaus they
can be seen as loudly as the bag can, and there would be no 
excuse of saying they mistakenly grabbed the wrong bag -- which
is actually the most common cause of "lost luggage".  :-)

-- Bob.