Hail to Denys, Master of the truth, the only truth and the knowing truth.
Where does he find the truth?

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 17:04:29 -0600, Denys Beauchemin 
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Nonsense.  Iraq is actually the reverse of the Vietnam War in many 
>Nowadays, the military tells the truth and the press lies.

The "truth" that the military pays to be published in Iraqi newspapers?
Surprise, surprise. The U.S. military has been caught with its hand in the 
cookie jar paying off Iraqi journalists to plant buttery stories about the 
slicing and dicing going on in that war-torn nation. 

>Predicting the future is always a risky business, but if one pays attention
>to current events, trends can be inferred.  You will probably have noticed
>that in the last few weeks, things have gotten a lot quieter in Iraq.
>That's not to say that tomorrow morning we will not be reading about how 
>terrorists again blew up a whole bunch of children as they like to do, but
>for the last few weeks, things have quieted down markedly.
>I also noticed that three stories have disappeared off the "radarscope."
>And I think that MAY, just MAY have something to do with development.  We
>shall see.
>At any rate, the December 15 elections are fast approaching. I, for one,
>hope they come off as well as the prior election and the recent vote on the
>-----Original Message-----
>From: HP-3000 Systems Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
>Of Wirt Atmar
>Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 11:37 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] OT: Iraq: The Battle in the Beltway
>John asks:
>> Sounds like good PR to me.  What are we supposed to do, tell them that
>>  we're failing and that some unknown insurgent group is soon going to
>>  massacre all of them as soon as we pull out?  What's the matter with 
>>  of you?
>The problem is that when the lies and corruption become blatant, as it is 
>this case, you can be assured that we are within only one or two years of
>helicopters ferrying desperate people off the roof of the American embassy
>the last of us bug out.
>Wirt Atmar
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