Has anyone ever had the feeling that when someone is trying so hard to be
convincing about something that they are really trying to convince
that something is true? (possibly in the face of overwhelming evidence to

Next, I expect Brice will produce URLs to "prove" that the Earth is , in




Oddly enough, John, I know exactly what you are talking about.  Which is
why I am mystified as to your statement.  This 'global warming' fiasco
is perpetrated by the very people you are talking about here.  They want
to convince themselves burning fossil fuels is going to turn the earth
into some kind of inferno and offer up flimsy 'science' to do it.  It
works because most people are science illiterate, including politicians.
The other end of the spectrum is the energy companies who would not want
to stop fossil fuel burning even if the Global Warming propaganda were
true.  Where is the objectivity?

As far as the 'square earth' comment...  Clearly an attempt to touch off
a flame war which reflects more on you than me.  Maybe the suns
'reflection' off one of the sides of the 'square earth'?

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