"Bill Cadier" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> This is due to the way the non-Posix library tries to open the file. It is
> item 21, long mapped to HPFOPEN which is illegal for device files. When
> the open fails it then checks to see if O_RDWR (hpfopen item 11 = 4) was
> specified and if it was NOT it then retries the HPFOPEN call leaving off
> long mapped option and the open then succeeds.
> I don't have access to the source code for the non-Posix C library so I
> not even try to guess why it's doing what it's doing.

Back when the HP C/iX library was written, everybody thought that mapped
files were a great thing, and C used them as much as possible.  If I could
go back in time and change one thing, that would be high on my list.  It
seems to me that the C library's use of mapped files has caused a lot of
headaches over the years, with little benefit.


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