Permissions are a funny thing.  MPE uses access flags, posix uses
permission flags.  You need to have write access to the group on the posix
side.  If you are a super user (sm or root) you can write any where.  If
you are not root you must be granted permission.  The chmod command changes
the current permissions to some else.  Groups and accounts are considered
directories on the posix side.

Permissions are ownership and protection

- rwx r-x ---
   |   |   ^^public
   |   ^^group

They come in 3s, Owener, group, public, plus read, write, execute.

A missing permission is indecated by a "-" and is called a protection.
The nine permissions or protections are collectively known as the "mode" or
a file or directory and can be changed with chmod.

A "read-only mode" file would have r--r--r--  this mode can be read by
owner, group and public. Since it does not have w or write/modify or
execute (x), no one not even the owner can modify this file.

Chmod can modify the permissions.  The binary notation for rw-r--r-- is
110100100 or 644 octal.

owner: r=400  group: r=40  public: r=4
       w=200         w=20          w=2
       x=100         x=10          x=1

how do you get 644, 400+200+40+4 = 644 or rw-r--r--.

if your group permissions = drw-rw-r-- then you can rename/write a file
into the group.   If the permissions are dr--r--r-- you can not.

So chmod 664 groupname would provide you the permissions you need to rename
in to the group.

To look at the permissions for the groups within your account do:

sample output:

shell/iX> ll /MCRAE/
total 108
drwxrwxr-x   1 MGR.MCRAE         MCRAE        800 Feb  4 13:45 AIF
drwxrwxr-x   1 MGR.MCRAE         MCRAE         40 Dec  3  2002 ALLBASE
drwxrwxr-x   1 MGR.MCRAE         MCRAE        640 Apr  9  2003 BASIC

Let me know if this helps explain the permissions denied error.

Best Regards
Cathlene Mc Rae
SR Response Center Engineer.

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