Michael L Gueterman wrote:

> Goetz (et. al),
>   My ISP has recently made changes to their UseNet service part of
> which bit the gateway last month.  In looking into this problem,
> it turns out that they have also imposed a monthly bandwidth
> allocation which we have exceed.  I'm currently working on
> getting this issue resolved at least temporarily so the gateway
> can resume, but for the long run we've decided to stop providing
> the service.
>   EDIT has been happy to provide the gating function between
> HP3000-L and the comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroup for quite a while
> now, but all of the events of late have made us take a hard look
> at continuing.  For those of you that don't know, EDIT merged with
> Integrated Information Systems (i2s) of Louisville KY last year
> (yes I know the websites are woefully out of date and don't
> mention the merger, I'm working on it :).  The main focus of the
> newly merged company has been in the Manufacturing and
> Analytics area and not necessarily having a lot to do with the
> 3000 anymore (that's one of the reasons I've not been as active
> in the MPE world as I once was).  Given that up until recently the
> gateway was very low maintenance, it wasn't a problem to simply
> let it chug along.  Given the recent events though, it's time to take
> a step back and let someone else take it over.
>   So, I'll see what I can do to get things back up for the moment,
> but can someone please contact me in the next few days who
> would be willing to take over?  If you want to run the existing
> software (it is a mixture of a small Cold Fusion template and a
> third-party NNTP dll) I'll give it to whomever, but I'm sure there
> are newer/better methods available.  If I don't hear from anyone,
> then I'll stop the gateway at the end of the month.

So since there's been "radio silence" ever since you posted this,
I guess that means the end of the gateway service between
comp.sys.hp.mpe  and  3000-L  ?  or has anyone picked this up ?

It would be a real pity if the comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroup becomes
an "unvisisted data island" so much before EOS.

I am not sure how many other folks are currently using the Usenet
variant of reading & contributing, but speaking for myself, going
back to individual emails is not an option.  I may try to watch by
using mail digest mode, but it certainly raises the bar of doing
actual postings/replies, because the digest is not threaded.
sigh ...

but thanks for keeping the service up until now anyway, it
has been very helpful for me and many others (not only @hp).


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