On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:15:19 +0100, "DJe" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I found on HP website the document : "Configuring Microsoft® Windows® Server
>2003 on the HP Integrity Server, Enterprise Edition" ( c00090141.pdf ) ...
>I installed W2K3 trought lan - MP, and when it's installed, i try to set the
>ip address with SAC, i've
>the message :"SAC could not set the IP Address."...
>Net: 2, Ip=  Subnet=  Gateway=
>SAC>I 2
>SAC could not set the IP Address.
>SAC>i 0
>SAC could not clear the existing IP Address.
>SAC>i 1
>SAC could not retrieve the IP Address.
>and from CMD :
>Windows IP Configuration
>Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
>   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

You need to have the Ethernet adapter plugged into an active hub or
switch.  If your site supports DHCP, then you should see a DHCP address
on "Net: 2", otherwise you will see a '169' address on "Net: 2".  You
can now use the "I" command on the SAC to set the IP address.

Remember, this IP address is only temporary. You will need to RDP into
the system and permanently set it.

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